By | July 12, 2024

Europe doesn’t have many big language model makers (LLMs), but one of those rare AI beasts – Germany’s Aleph Alpha – seems to be getting ready to drop out of the race, according to Bloomberg, which has an interview with the CEO Jonas Andrulis on his. pivot to a broader generative AI support game.

The idea with a product that he unveiled last week, called PhariaAI, is to help other companies or the public sector to use AI tools, regardless of whether he made the underlying technology. “The world has changed,” Andrulis told Bloomberg. “Having only a European LLM is not enough as a business model. It does not justify the investment.”

Aleph Alpha raised a $500 million Series B last November. But with category giants like OpenAI having a much more robust war chest to fuel development – and, closer to home, France’s Mistral has also brought in more investors – the German startup has had the his work to stay in the fight LLM.

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